Connie Tognoli,
designer of a fabulous Columbian Doll pattern, knows I have been studying Philadelphia baby dolls. She generously shared these images of her lovely doll and had this to say about the doll:
"I have owned the doll since 2003 and I have never undressed her until now. It was fun and interesting for me also to see her body and detail of her construction. Her legs look as if her adorable socks and shoes have been on for many, many years. Her little shoes, on the other hand, look like she has walked miles! I love her face, and the painting is really a lovely one.
I have a notebook I have collected on articles and photos over the years. In my search for information on the doll, I have not found too much. We know that they were distributed and sold at J.B. Sheppard Linen Store, on Chestnut Street in Philadelphia, PA, around the turn of the century. They were in Business from 1860 - 1935. There is no information on when or how long the dolls were sold there, but one article I have credited to Frances Walker, a UFDC member who wrote in the 1980's that Elizabeth Washington, a student/artist at the Philadelphia School of design, designed the Philadelphia Baby Suppososedly, J. B. Sheppard's Linen Store held a contest for the best designed doll that could be used as a model for the store's baby clothes and also offered for sale. Washington's doll won the contest,and the Sheppard Store purchased the rights. I have not read or found any other info. have you?
Here are some additional pictures of Connie's doll:
What a beauty!